About Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum
After the NSW railway administration closed the Valley Heights Locomotive Depot in 1988, a group of locals lobbied the NSW Government to preserve the loco depot as a heritage museum (see History).
Thanks to the efforts of the local community and a host of dedicated volunteers, the site has been conserved and transformed into a museum. The museum preserves an important part of local history in the Blue Mountains and of the nation’s railway history.
The organisation which manages the depot is the Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum (VHLDHM).
The VHLDHM is the Blue Mountains Division of Transport Heritage NSW, which also runs the NSW Rail Museum at Thirlmere.
Get involved
Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum
is a business name of Transport Heritage NSW
ABN 25 000 570 463
Entity type: Australian Public Company
Registered as a charity view ACNC registration