Replica Double-Deck Tram Trailer Car No 1

About the exhibit

Under restoration in carriage shed (not accessible for public viewing) 

When the Powerhouse Museum began rationalising its transport collection, Valley Heights Steam Tramway delegates were invited to inspect the car. The delegates were so suitably impressed with the vehicle, that arrangements were made to relocate the car to Valley Heights.

Permission was granted by the Powerhouse Museum on the provision that the car could be stored and restored in a secure, weatherproof environment. On Thursday, 5th June 1997, custody of the replica Double Decker was transferred to Steam Tram and Railway Preservation Society on its arrival at Valley Heights, where it is currently under restoration.


Steam Tram and Railway Preservation (Co-op) Society trading as Valley Heights Steam Tramway


This replica car was constructed by the Tramway Department on the frame of electric tram K746 in 1951 for the Jubilee of Federation. Following this, the replica was placed into storage until spring 1956, which saw the commencement of the Sydney Waratah Festivals. As part of the Sydney Waratah Festival, street parades were held annually until the Festival’s demise in 1973. As part of this parade a replica Sydney Steam Tram comprising of this car and a Tram Motor Body mounted on a tractor, were included in the parade.

The replica Double Decker tramcar soon found its way to the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences where it was stored until the 1990s.

More information and photos

Sydney Steam Motor Tram, Wikipedia, accessed 2020-11-29