Virtual 3D tours

Take a virtual 3D tour of the Museum. Red letters show the location of virtual 3D tours...

Museum site map

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Valley Hts shop and cafe entrance

A. Valley Heights Shop and Cafe

Valley Heights Room

B. Valley Heights Room

5711 @ Valley Heights

C. Locomotive 5711

Valley Heights Roundhouse

D. The Roundhouse

ETB Passenger car

E. Passenger Car ETB

RBR Passenger car

F. Passenger Car RBR

Meat refrigeration car

G. Meat Refrigeration Car MRC

Locomotive 3214

H. Locomotive 3214

Small exhibits room in roundhouse

I. Roundhouse Small Exhibits

5461 @ Valley Heights

J. Locomotive 5461

4601 on turntable

K. Locomotive 4601

District Locomotive Engineer's Office

L. District Locomotive Engineer's Office

The Model Room

M. The Model Room

Fettlers' Shed

N. Fettlers' Shed