Guard's van NDMF 2990C
About the exhibit
Static exhibit
Under the paint the outside, the van is marked NDMF 2990 C, but this number has been painted over. Inside the van, it is marked as KHG 34236. A plate on the chassis is also labelled 34236. We believe it was changed to NDMF when it was transferred to CityRail to be used as the guards van on the transfer of Tangara carriages from Newcastle. It had on its side the SRA L7 logo, and was marked Return to CityRail Chullora.
The van is listed as NVMF 2990C on the NSW Heritage Register.
KHG guards vans were re-coded NVKF in the 1979 numbering scheme. These steel bodied guards vans have a 12.19 metre long body mounted on a 13.41 m long underframe giving a 600 mm platform at each end. The van has a three tonne capacity three metre long freight compartment at one end with an external sliding door adjacent to the guards compartment containing two guards seats with side roof lookouts placed so that the guard is seated on the left hand side facing the direction of travel. A toilet compartment and entrance vestibule are placed next with a side aisle leading to a train crew compartment. At the opposite end of the van is a 2.8 m long three tonne freight capacity compartment with an external sliding door. These vans had lamp attachment fittings to Australian National rail standards for operation in South Australia.
1972 - Built by Commonwealth Engineering and entered service.
Dates Unknown - Re-coded NVKF 34236-Q, NVKF 34236, KHG 34236 and NVMF 2990C.
This exhibit is listed on the RailCorp Section 170 Heritage & Conservation Register - Movable Heritage which contains additional information about the exhibit.